How To Make A 25 Cent Portable Water Filtration System That Can Save Your Life

If you find yourself stuck in a SHTF situation with no drinking water, what would you do? I can just hear a wisecracking “survivalist” say, “I would go to the convenience store next door and buy myself some.” Smart. Really smart.

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Did you know any individual can last only a week at most without water — and that is only under “ideal” comfortable conditions. In difficult hot conditions, it definitely will be way shorter.

Now what if you are out in the wilds and desperately need clean drinking water? As survivalists, we improvise and make our own filtration or distillation system. And that is also assuming you do not have a LifeStraw or your very own portable water filtration system.

So I did some research on how to make a DIY portable water filtration system and found this exceptional video by David of Ultimate Survival Tips.

In the video, David made his own portable water filtration system out of an empty plastic bottle and a few materials that he scraped together within his campsite. The total cost for his DIY water filtration system was a whopping 25 cents.

To prove that his DIY water system works, David filtered really nasty water and even drank it in the end.

Be prepared to take some notes. Who knows your life might depend on this someday.

Here is the video.

Of course, my key takeaway here is to always boil water that you have filtered before drinking it.

Thanks for this great DIY water filtration system, David!







